Locker Services

The Locker Service of Mercantile Bank is a very user friendly service with safety, security & confidentiality of the valuables kept in the Lockers. Our locker service is the total secure facility for the purpose of deposit of confidential documents, Jewellery or other valuables permissible as per law. At present Locker service offered to the Customers from select 36 branches of MBL.

For Locker Services Please contact with following Branches of our Bank:


Sl No. Name of the Branch
01. Dhanmondi Branch
02. Banani Branch
03. Rajshahi Branch
04. Uttara Branch
05. Elephant Road Branch
06. Gulshan Branch
07. Bijoynagar Branch
08. Satmasjid Road Branch
09. Feni Branch
10. Moghbazar Branch
11. Jessore Branch
12. Progoti Sarani Branch
13. Mirpur Branch
14. Kushtia Branch
15. Ring Road Branch
16. Kishoreganj Branch
17. Subid Bazar Branch
18. Agrabad Branch
19. Mohakhali Branch
20. Bhola Branch
21. Airport Road Branch
22. Naogaon Branch
23. Khulshi Branch
24. Laxmipur Branch
25. Mymensingh Branch
26. Damudya Branch
27. Asad Gate Branch
28. Bhojeshwar Branch
29. Chowmuhani Branch
30. Patherhat Branch
31. Sadarghat Branch
32. Patuakhali Branch
33. Netrokona Branch
34. Gareb-E-Newaz Branch
35. Darus Salam Road Branch
36. Ishwardi Branch