The facility is designed with easy repayment schedule, that gives you the opportunity to own a new/Reconditioned Car, to materialize your cherished dream.
To purchase brand new or reconditioned vehicle for personal use only
Any Bangladeshi National
Tk.40.00 lac (However, auto facility to the dependent members of an individual shall also be treated as part of the exposure of that individual).
06 years for brand new and 05 years for reconditioned vehicle
21-65 years
As per car import policy of the government.
Competitive Interest Rate.
Salaried Person
Employees of Govt./Autonomous Bodies/Banking or Non-banking Financial Institution/Public Limited Company/ Private Limited Company having Corporate Structure/Multinational Company/ Reputed Educational Institutions
Doctors/Engineer/Accountant/IT Professional/Management Consultant/landlord
Businessman having at least 3 years of length of business
Currency Exchange Rate