Rate of Interest: 4.00% (for general) (for any amount)
- Interest bearing deposit account.
- Initial Balance – Tk. 100.
- No hidden charge.
- Smart personalized (VISA) Debit Card to the parents.
- Round – the – clock ATM access across the country.
- No queues for withdrawal of money.
- Free SMS Banking
- Cost free Mobile Banking Registration.
- Must be a student.
- Requirements:
- Recent attested photograph of the account holder (2 copies).
- Photograph of the Guardian/Parent (1 copy).
- Photograph of the nominee 1 copy (if applicable).
- National ID Card of the Guardian/Parent.
- Valid Student Identity Card
- Birth Certificate of the student.
- Declaration of the Guardian/Parent regarding opening of account and availing ATM card for cash withdrawal from the account.
- Copy of tuition fee paying slip (Recent Copy)/ Educational cost schedule provided by the institution.
Currency Exchange Rate