Poribar Surokkha Amanat Prokolpo (PSAP)


  • To help the retired persons, service holders and Non-Resident Bangladeshi for maximization of their wealth by providing a consistent return of their savings.


Tenure Simple Interest Rate Effective Interest Rate
2 years or 4 years - 10.68% p.a.
(2 & 4 years, Tk.890 per month per Tk.100,000/- Before Tax)
Effective from 1st January 2025





  • Minimum deposit amount is BDT50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand) or its multiple.
  • BDT 800.00 (Eight Hundred excluding Tax & Excise Duty) will be paid each month against the deposit of BDT 1.00 lac.
  • A Savings Bank account is mandatory for opening PSAP account. Multiple PSAP account can be operated under a SB account.
  • The Depositor will be given a deposit receipt which is not transferable.
  • All Taxes/Duty/Levy and or any other surcharges presently in force or that may be imposed by the government of Bangladesh (GOB) from time to time will be deducted/recovered from the balance amount under this scheme.
  • Deposit will be received on any working day of a month. Payment of benefit shall start after the first month of opening date of the account.
  • The amount of benefit shall be automatically transferred in each month to the savings account of the depositor in MBL.
  • In case of the account is closed before maturity, benefits paid earlier shall be deducted proportionately from the principal amount after adjusting with the interest applied at savings rate (if any).
  • Even if customer lives abroad or remote place, he/she can authorize a person for withdrawing the monthly benefit amount from the Scheme.
  • Loan may be granted up to maximum 80% of the forced encashment value on the date of loan processing.
  • Savings Interest Rate will be applicable in case of premature encashment after 30 days and before maturity of the PSAP. 

