Aporajita Masik Munafa Prokolpo (AMMP)

20th Anniversary of the Bank (June 2, 2019), Mercantile Bank Limited launched a new Deposit Scheme product namely “ Aporajita Masik Munafa Prokolpo (AMMP)” to emphasize specially on independent, hard working women who have a fixed amount of idle money or have retirement benefits. This product is exclusively designed to provide female customers with the best profit on their hard earned/saved money with hassle free banking services. Details of this product-


  • Extend an alternative monthly earning opportunity for women.
  • Help the retired Women for investing their retirement benefits.
  • Create investment opportunities for Non-Resident Bangladeshi Women.
  • Give investment opportunities for Women who have a fixed amount of money after maturity of FSP.
  • Availability (Location):
  • Any area where there is branch of MBL.
  • Mode of Product:
  • Deposit a fixed amount of money for a tenure of 03 (Three) or 05 (Five) years.
  • Depositor will get a certain sum of money in each month proportionately to his/her deposit during the entire tenure (i.e. 3 or 5 years).

Main Features:

  • Only female Customers (single or jointly) are entitled for this product.
  • Minimum deposited amount is BDT 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) or it’s multiple.
  • Deposited amount reserved for 3 or 5 years.
  • After maturity (i.e. 3/5 years) principal amount will be paid back.
  • In case of premature encashment after 1 year savings rate of interest will be applied.
  • In case of premature encashment before 1 year no interest will be applied.

Other Terms and Conditions:

  • The depositor will be given a deposit receipt, which is not transferable.
  • A saving account shall be maintained in any branch of MBL to receive monthly benefit payment.
  • Deposit will be received on any working day of a month. Payment of benefit shall start after the first month of opening account. The amount of benefit shall be automatically transferred in each month to the saving account of the depositor in any branch of Mercantile Bank.
  • In case of death of the account holder, the nominee may claim benefits as per aforementioned Schedule or may delay the claim until maturity, subject to submission of proper documents.
  • In the event of any account holder’s death before maturity of the account, balance of the account shall be paid to the nominee, if any. If nominee is not available, balance shall be paid to the successor (s) according to law.
  • Loan may be granted up to maximum 80% of the deposited amount. At time of his/her loan period the benefit amount will be transferred to loan account. Loan processing fee and stamp costs should be realized as per Schedule of Charges.
  • All taxes/duty/levy and /or any other surcharges presently in force or that may be imposed by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) from time to time will be deducted/ recovered from the deposit amount under this scheme.
  • Two copies of duly attested passport size photographs of each depositor and two copies of photographs of each nominee attested by the depositor, NID of each depositor & nominee, TIN Certificate of depositor (if any) are needed to open the account.
  • In case of house wife Customers, the information of ultimate beneficial owner must be obtained and documents related to source(s) of fund must be collected.

Aporajita Masik Munafa Prokolpo Rates  


Aporajita Masik Munafa Prokolpo Rates


Effective Interest Rate

3 years or 5 years

10.68% p.a.

(3 & 5 years, Tk.890 per month per Tk.100,000/- Before Tax)
Effective from 1st January 2025

